Testimonial Slider
Testimonial slider could be used for display your customers thought in nice way.
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Testimonial slider could be used for display your customers thought in nice way.
Last updated
Testimonial Slider: You can add as many as testimonial slider and control their behavior
Title: Enter the name of author
Position/Designation: Enter the Position/Designation text
Quote: Enter the Quote message here
Photo: Select an image from the media library, or upload a new image
Autoplay: Choose Yes or No to rotate slides automatically
Pause on Hover: Select whether or not to pause autoplay when a user hovers over the carousel. Yes or No
Autoplay Speed: Set the speed of slide animation, in milliseconds
Infinite Loop: Show carousel in a continuous loop, infinitely. Yes or No
Autoplay Delay: Set the time it takes for the next slide to start rotating. This time is in milliseconds, so 1000 ms is equal to 1 second.
Navigation: Choose the slider navigation from dots, arrow or both
Arrow Position: Set the arrow position
Navigation Button Spacing: Set the space for buttons to top/bottom
Slides to Show: Select the number of slides to show at one time, from 1 to 10, available for desktop, tablet, and mobile devices
Set the Wrapper Link that are applicable to this widget.
Set the Hover Effect that are applicable to this widget.
Alignment: Align the content to the left, right, center
Background Color ( w/Hover ): Set the background color of the slider item
Padding ( w/Hover ): Set the padding of the slider item
Border Type ( w/Hover ): Set the border of the slider item
Quote Icon Size ( w/Hover ): Set the quote icon size of the slider item
Quote Icon Color ( w/Hover ): Set the quote icon color of the slider item
Box Shadow: Choose the shadow of the slider item
Navigation Icon Color: Choose the navigation color of the slider
Title Typography: Set the typography options for the title
Color: Choose the text color of the title
Designation Typography: Set the typography options for the designation
Color: Choose the text color of the designation
Quote Typography: Set the typography options for the quote
Color: Choose the text color of the quote
Border Type: Set the avatar border type
Width: Set the avatar border width
Color: Set the avatar border color
Size: Set the avatar size
Set the Transform that are applicable to this widget.
Set the Background Overlay that are applicable to this widget.
Set the Advanced options that are applicable to this widget